Home» Events» Ruby Meetup Nepal on September 12, 2015

Ruby Meetup Nepal on September 12, 2015

Ruby Meetup Nepal is being organized on September 13, 2015 starting from 2 PM to 5 PM at Innovation Hub @AmericanSpaces, FNCCI Building, Teku. The meetup is being organized with a purpose to unite and interact with distributed Ruby Developers of Nepal. It is not just an event, but also a medium to bring like-minded people together and share their acquaintance and expertise in Ruby and related web technologies.


To join the Meetup you need to do RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/Nepal-Ruby-Users-Group/events/224493591/

There will be two talks in the event.

1) Rails Assets Management – by Susan Joshi

2) MetaProgramming in Ruby – by Prasvin Pandey

Saroj Maharjan is the organizer and host of the meetup. He is a web developer and a Ruby on Rails consultant.

The meetup is being sponsored by Leapfrog Academy, Codyssey Web Nepal and Innovation Hub @AmericanSpaces.

To get additional information and updates about the event, join DN: Ruby Developers Nepal, a Facebook group of Ruby Developers of Nepal or tweet to @ruby_nepal.

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