Colors mobile introduces the new line in Elite series, E-15 with 5000mAh battery power with power bank function which is Nepal’s only brand with such a huge battery life which runs continuously for 1450hours (2G) (in stand-by time) under power saving mode, which gives the reasons for being unstoppable. Along with the E-15, Colors is introducing the all new data saver application, Colors-Lite which helps in enabling the efficiency and cost efficient ways to use the internet. Colors-Lite will be in-built in the Colors Mobile.
Colors X-factor E15 comes with Android Lollipop 5.1 Operating System. It has 5” HD IPS screen, Dragon Trail Glass with 6 months warranty on physical damage. It come with a huge internal memory of 16 GB ROM + 2 GB RAM which is expandable up to 32 GB, 8 MP AF rear camera and 5 MP front camera, powered with 1.3 GHz quad-core processor addressing the need of modern day users requirement to multitask throughout the day with. E15 is power packed with all ways of power saving, quick charge and powerbank feature, where it can charge other devices too. With the unmatched feature, it is amazingly priced at Rs. 13,995/– only.
“We are really excited to introduce the new product line from Elite series- E15, as this will be Nepal’s only domestic product having 5000mAh battery with power bank feature. Not only that, we will be introducing Nepal’s 1st Data Saving App COLORS LITE which will be inbuilt n phone From E15 onwards”, says Sanjay Agarwal, CEO of Teletalk P. Ltd.
“New Colors X-factor Elite E-15 is a treat for all mobile fanatics on this brand New Year 2073. We have high hopes on this product line in Elite series”, added Raj Jung Thapa, Marketing Manager of Colors Mobile.
Colors Mobile was launched by Teletalk in association with Teletech Pvt. 2009. The brand has since then surged beyond the competition and become Nepal’s most popular mobile. Colors Mobile is currently the highest selling phone in Nepal with 2 million users. Colors brand is able to extend its presence across several countries in the globe. Colors products come with cutting edge tech in the best value possible.