If you are a small or medium sized business owner looking to grow your business by using the vast audience-reach of online platform, you are probably thinking of building a business website. A business website is an investment through which you can connect with future-customers of your businesses from anywhere in the country or the world, at any time of the day. If you are not there to represent your business 24 hours a day, your website will do it for you.
With that being said, the most trouble that people have while building or owning a website is that it normally takes days, or even months to setup a website. Furthermore, if you need to make a few changes in the website because you suddenly got a new great idea for your website, the web developer will not be happy to change the features in the middle of development. Truly speaking, it is a hassle getting your website ready. Lastly, after your website is all made, your next problem is that you would have to contact your developer every time you need to change something in your website. If your business requires that you post new updates in your websites such as new news articles, new photos of your products (maybe new arrivals of clothes in you shop), or maybe a new event that you want to promote through your website, you are in for a troublesome time! You have to contact your tech-person every time, maybe even pay him for it, and wait for him to update your website.
But wait. What if you could change whatever you want in your website- the design themes, adding new photos and text, anything- all by yourself without having ANY knowledge about programming?? This is where PAGEVAMP comes in. Pagevamp is a website-developer that lets you:
- Create your new website in a minute by taking data from your business’ Facebook page.
- Chose from over 20 design templates which you can preview and change anytime you want. Pagevamp also comes up with new designs every month.
- Update your website by simply updating your Facebook page! Pagevamp syncs your website with your Facebook page so whatever photos, text, events you post in your Facebook page gets automatically posted in your website. You can also chose which contents of your Facebook page you want to show in your website.
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A brief History of Pagevamp
Determined in starting his own business since he passed his intermediate study from Rato Bangala School, Atulya Pandey, co-founder of Pagevamp, used to always play with different ideas of starting a business. In his dorm room in The University of Pennsylvania where he did his bachelors from, he used to sit with his two dorm-mates, Fred and Vincent, who shared similar dreams, on Fridays discussing ideas for business instead of going out for parties.
Their dreams slowly started taking shape in 2012 when the three started an agency, PMB Creatives, from their dorm room in The University of Pennsylvania, USA, to create websites for businesses around their locality.
Later on, however, they saw a problem with their business- they were building websites for businesses but almost none of the people knew how to update their website. The business owners for whom they made websites used to call them for the smallest of changes. That is when they thought of the idea of using a platform that everyone knows how to use (Facebook) to update their own website. Hence, the idea for Pagevamp was born.
The most interesting part is that the three co-founders were in the university studying economics and none of them had an engineering background; they were self-taught!
Although Pagevamp started out as just an idea, it is now being used by over 10,000 businesses in 80 countries.“The turning point moment is when you stop looking for alternatives. When we started working on Pagevamp, we had other businesses, and we had other options like we could apply for jobs later but the moment when it gets real is when we made up our mind that we are not building Pagevamp to put into our resume later; we are building it because we are dedicated to our customers and we want to make something big”, said Pagevamp co-founder Vincent Sanchez-Gomez.
Atulya Pandey speaks about Pagevemp on Last Thursday:
Pagevamp in Nepal
Pagevamp services is also being used by small and medium size businesses in Nepal. The services of Pagevamp is provided by Digital Agency Catmandu (DAC), a full-service digital agency situated in Kumaripati, Lalitpur. Pagevamp in Nepal costs NRs 1200 per month and if you take the one-year package, the domain name is free of charge. Businesses with websites can also transfer their domain name to a Pagevamp website in case if they want a website that they can easily update.
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Nepali businesses can benefit from Pagevamp in the following ways:
- With the growth of internet usage, customers of your businesses are constantly looking for information online. Pagevamp builds you a website in under a minute with minimum initial cost.
- Businesses don’t have to spend time and money contacting and getting their websites updated by programmers. They can do it themselves from somewhere that they already know how to use- Facebook
- Businesses will benefit further from building Pagevamp website because the Facebook page of Pagevamp in Nepal, “Pagevamp Nepal”, which is just being started, will add a feature “Business spotlight” later on where it will write about its customers and promote their business on its Facebook page.
- Technology is all about making it easier for people to do things. So, Pagevamp represents latest technology when it comes to website-development.
- Pagevamp is reliable. Its services are currently used by over 10,000 businesses from more than 80 countries in the world.
- With Pagevamp, you can update your website from your mobile phone! Just go to Facebook, and update your Facebook page.
- Pagevamp Nepal provides great customer services. Pagevamp helps you decide on a design theme, and can even design the customer’s website by sitting and discussing with them how they want it to look.
Furthermore, Pagevamp is a growing business. They are continuously coming up with new design themes and features for websites. They recently added the feature of adding live chat in websites so businesses can respond to customers’ questions instantly. All in all, Pagevamp has really made it super convenient for anyone to own and manage their website.
Some Nepali businesses using Pagevamp websites are- www.uchitbiofertilizer.com.np , www.Kaavyaboutique.com , www.khetibazaar.com , www.sbfurniturenepal.com
For more information on Pagevamp, you can contact Digital Agency Catmandu (www.dac.com.np) and you can also like our Facebook page “Pagevamp Nepal”.
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Gust Author
Niraj Pradhan, Marketing Rep at DAC, Born in 1992. Niraj is passionate about marketing. He also loves traveling. He can be reached on facebook.
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