Bhoos Games (Bhoos), a Nepali social gaming platform, announced the launch of its second edition of the Smart Bots Coding Challenge in collaboration with LOCUS 2023, an umbrella organization led by undergraduate students of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering departments from IOE, Pulchowk Campus.
Registration for it opened on October 20, 2023, and is currently open. You can register at, where you will need to provide your basic info, (email, full name, mobile number, and if you’re currently studying or working) and team info.
Smart Bots Coding Challenge, first launched in 2022, is an event hosted by Bhoos where programmers are challenged to create a smart game bot and compete with bots created by other participants.
This year, the challenge is to build a game bot from scratch for a card game called 29 Points. 29 Points is a fun, strategic card game that emphasizes the value of cooperation, awareness, and probabilistic reasoning.
Participants can take part individually or in a team of two. The top three winners will share a prize pool of Rs. 8 lakhs. The winner will get Rs. 5 lakhs, the second Rs. 2 lakhs, and Rs. 1 lakh will go to third place.
According to Bhoos, the longer-than-three-month-long code challenge is organized to create an environment for coding enthusiasts to meet, collaborate, and share ideas.
The competition is only open to Nepali citizens, but there are no restrictions on participation based on age or exam score. However, employees of Bhoos Games and their relatives are not eligible to participate in the competition.
Challenge Stages
The competition is divided into three stages. From November 15, 2022, until January 15, 2023, there is a preparation and league period.
The bot created by participants will compete in a series of games against Bhoos bots and other participants’ bots during this time. The rankings will be shown on the leaderboard.
To reduce the chances of fraudulent activities, on January 20 and 21, the top 8 leaderboard champions would then need to present the strategies they employed while developing the bot.
Finally, on January 24, 2023, the top 8 bots will challenge each other, and the top 3 winners will be determined.
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